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32 Этаж 7, Street A. Chekhov, Mirabad Area, Tashkent Region, Uzbekistan
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Company description
Polpharma is the largest Polish manufacturer of drug products and active pharmaceutical ingredients with over 70 year experience in drug production. Together with Medana Pharma it is the Polish market leader. It specializes in cardiological, gastrological and neurological drugs. It also manufactures a wide range of OTC drugs.
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Questions & Answers
Dear Polpharma representative office staff,
My name is Azamjon Tokhirjonov from Uzbekistan. Now I am studying in Poland. I was planning to buy some medicines from polpharma and I contacted with polpharma but they told me to contact with polpharma representative office in Uzbekistan. As I mentioned I am planning to buy some medicines from polpharma can you give me more information how to contract?
My name is Azamjon Tokhirjonov from Uzbekistan. Now I am studying in Poland. I was planning to buy some medicines from polpharma and I contacted with polpharma but they told me to contact with polpharma representative office in Uzbekistan. As I mentioned I am planning to buy some medicines from polpharma can you give me more information how to contract?
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